Obtaining credit for a business with no personal credit check and no personal guaranty is very appealing.
One might say this is the holy grail of owning a business - being able to obtain massive amounts of funding using the business itself as collateral.
There are many steps to building an exceptional business credit profile. Each of these steps is essential in obtaining business credit with no personal guaranty.
Here are 12 steps you will want to take when building business credit...
1. Make sure you start by incorporating your business and make sure you obtain a Federal Tax ID#.
2. Ensure you setup a business bank account immediately and that the business name on your corporation papers is the same as on your business bank account.
3. Ensure you have a business land-line number that is listed with 411.
4. Ensure you have the proper businesses licenses for your business that you need in your state.
5. Set up a complete credit profile with Dun and Bradstreet but do not pay them the $400 - $800 they will ask you for.
6. Make sure you pay business bills that report to the business credit reporting agencies ahead of the due date. The earlier they are paid, the higher your business credit scores will be.
7. Build solid payment history with many accounts being paid as-agreed or early each month. Building excellent business scores means you have many accounts reporting as paid-as-agreed. So get your credit, then keep using the credit monthly to build a solid profile.
8. Ensure you monitor your business credit files. Keep an eye on your scores and the progress of the accounts that are reporting.
9. Establish a minimum 'low 5' bank rating by establishing and using your bank credit.
10. Open a small business credit line that reports on your business credit profile. Credit lines have high limits and reflect positively on your business reports.
11. Ensure you establish a diversity of credit using multiple store and Visa, MasterCard, and Amex accounts.
12. Ensure you have a well written business plan as many lenders will want to see this to approve you for funding.
Expert Credit Consultants, LLC specializes in establishing
business credit and funding using our exclusive Business Credit and Financing
Suite as well as consumer credit restoration and optimization. www.ExpertCreditConsultants.com.
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