Most business owners quickly get accustomed to using their personal credit and personal guarantee for their businesses. As a result, most never realize that it IS possible to obtain considerable credit for their business with no personal guarantee or personal credit inquiry – even higher limits than using their personal credit to qualify.
We are a business credit and funding service company dedicated to helping business owners build positive business credit
profiles, and then use those profiles to obtain substantial amounts of usable
credit. We also can help you repair your personal credit to double your credit
We will help you get approved for
$50,000 at a minimum - guaranteed. Even if you have horrible personal credit,
you could still qualify for $50,000 or more in real usable credit.
If you don’t have a business credit profile created yet, we will help you establish your free D&B DUNS number
and start the establishing of your credit profiles. Next, we strategically
help you get approved for new credit accounts which are much more flexible than
if you used your personal credit, and that report to the appropriate business
credit reporting agencies therefore building your business credit profile.
After only a couple of months of using those credit items and paying on time,
you will start to establish your business credit scores. We will then quickly
start qualifying you for credit on revolving
Within a few months you will start
qualifying for credit lines with major retailers such as Dell, Home Depot, Office
Max, Staples, Sears, Apple, Best Buy and many more. You will also have an excellent business
credit score established. Within a year you will be on your way to even more
business credit. These cards can be used at any
stores just like a normal credit card. It is very realistic that from one year
and on, you will continue to qualify for high credit limits in your business’s
name with no personal guarantee. Many of our clients continue on to qualify for $100,000 or more in real credit in their business name. All of this is possible
for you and your business, with no personal guarantee and no personal credit
Call us today to learn more about getting
approved for $50,000 in business credit with no personal guarantee and
regardless of your personal credit quality.